Saturday, August 26, 2006

Back to the City

I guess we had to go home at some point! It is back to NYC where the peaceful calm of the Connecticut coast is already just a memory. I am feeling better every day and I know these few days away from the city were a huge help. Stan and Sharon's house was such a peaceful, quiet place to recuperate.

We headed back to the city this morning, but not before making a quick stop at the Clinton Crossing Outlets where I picked up two very cute pairs of shoes. We hit the the Lobster Landing before sitting down for lunch at Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale in Madison, CT. It was the quintessential New England "vacation" and I'm so happy that I was able to enjoy it, despite the circumstances.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Go Away Rain

Our luck with the beautiful weather finally ran out this morning. A rainy day at a beach house isn't such a bad thing, but my dad spent all day driving here yesterday, so we were hoping he would get to have a little bit of the sun and pool time that we have been enjoying all week.

But it is still good to have him here. I spent the morning out by the pool, finishing up Beach Road. Good read -- didn't see that ending coming. It was looking a little overcast, but we were keeping our fingers crossed that the rain would hold off. It did for the evening at least.

We wanted to take another walk down Waterside Lane so that we could show my dad the docks before it became too dark. On our way, we passed the Vece Gazebo, outside of the Pierson School on Main Street. The music group Abbey Road, apparently the most popular Beatles tribute band in Connecticut, was setting up to perform as part of Clinton's summer concert series. It must have been a big night in Clinton, because it looked like just about all of the town's residents had come out for the occasion. Hundreds of people sat in the schoolyard on blankets or lawn chairs. Clinton has such a small town feel. It reminds me of Stars Hollow, the fictitious Connecticut town of the Gilmore Girls.

We took a nice walk down to the docks and the inlet, and the concert was just ending when we returned. This morning the rain came. And hasn't stopped coming. For dinner, my parents stopped at a clam shack in town and returned with a large bowl of delicious lobster bisque for me. I think this is the best meal I have had yet!

Another one of my Dad's great shots! But where is the sun?!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Seaside Living

The weather has been just beautiful here. I spent most of yesterday by the pool, floating on a raft, listening to the Sirius Satellite Radio (there's my shout out to the the official satellite radio provider and sponsor of the NFL), and reading Beach Road by James Patterson. This week of rest and recuperation has been so ideal. It is so therapeutic here.

Clinton really is an ideal New England village. It is very cute and quaint, without being at all pretentious or showy. And it is such a friendly place. Literally every person you see on the street gives you a smile as you pass and says hello. Just like in NYC. Ha!

My mom & I took a walk down to the beach last night, passing all the beautiful homes on Waterside Lane. The cold sand between my toes felt so good. The setting was so pretty in the evening, with the water illuminated by the dock lights across the harbor.

My dad is driving up today to join us for a few days. It's a long drive, but I am so happy that he is able to make it. I haven't seen him since before my surgery. It is so relaxing here and I know he will love it. I don't think any of us will want to ever leave!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Just Heavenly

Yesterday my mom & I took the train from Grand Central to the Gazda family beach house in Clinton, Connecticut. Sharon picked us up from the train station and brought us to her perfect retreat on the shore. Clinton is a quaint little beach town that overlooks the Long Island Sound. It is about 2 hours from Manhattan via the Shore Line East train.

What an absolutely perfect, serene, welcoming environment to relax and heal. Every recovering patient should have a prescription for this! Sharon & Stan have done an amazing job of renovating this seaside home. It is incredibly impressive. They did a lot of gutting and stripping - and stripping and stripping and stripping - of layers - and layers and layers and layers - of old wallpaper and carpets, and like a few month's worth of HGTV shows, turned a house sporting some cosmetic atrocities into a truly splendid place to dwell.

The house will make its first magazine debut in Cottage Living in October. The grounds are beautiful, with green and colorful landscaping, the stone deck perfect for outdoor reading or lounging, and the newly reconstructed pool that was brought back to life. The house is the perfect showcase of "casual elegance," with a touch of New England charm and an overall feng shui simplicity favored by the Japanese. The furnishings are so tasteful, yet relaxed and comfortable with a coastal feel and many elements of nature brought indoors -- particularly the stunning rock fire place that was custom done by hand. (Stan & Sharon don't know it yet, but I'm never leaving!)

Tomorrow we might take a walk to the cute harbor marsh area at the end of the street, or head over to the beach on Waterside Lane. It is wonderful just to be here, and we can't thank Stan & Sharon enough for the use of their beautiful home and providing such a peaceful abode to rest, renew, and heal.

Backup QBs Battling

Monday, August 21, 2006

The quarterback controversy in Giants camp is on the backup level, and it has yet to be resolved, coach Tom Coughlin said Sunday.

"I think it's still very competitive and we're still looking for that magical switch that will tell us exactly who's who," Coughlin said. "It's a close battle. Jared [Lorenzen] has had some good showings as well, so he's in there also."

Rob Johnson tested his restructured elbow against the Chiefs on Thursday night and -- while the results were not overwhelming -- Coughlin saw some good things.

"You saw the athleticism, you saw all of the maneuverability, you saw the competitive nature," he said of the quarterback he had in Jacksonville. "You saw him make the completion on fourth down to keep the drive going.

"It's inconsistent, but he did gain a lot by playing. He hadn't played in a long time. It definitely helped him."

Tim Hasselbeck, who did not play against Kansas City, will get some time Friday against the Jets.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hanging in There

I love these sunflowers that Beth brought over today. They are so cheerful & make me smile!

It has already been 5 days since the surgery. The days have flown by in a blur. Saturday was one of the worst days. I was still incredibly swollen. The muscles and joints in my face just ached and ached, and felt so tender and sore. No pain medication seemed to take the edge off.

Today has been better. The left side of my face is still a bit swollen, but the right side is almost down. There is a little yellow bruising around my throat, but it is fading. And after a few showers, I finally have all that adhesive tape from the hospital off my body. It is just so nice to be able to wash my face and feel clean again.

Beth stopped by with flowers for a surprise visit today. She is just back from her honeymoon in Cancun. It was so nice to see her. I thought I still looked pretty swollen, but Beth said people would pay for lips like mine. Too funny.

Tomorrow morning I go back to the doctor's office. Hopefully everything looks good and I will get the okay to leave the city for a few days. Lauren's mother has graciously invited my mom & me to spend a few days recuperating at her beach house in Connecticut, and I am really hoping to go. There are only so many hours you can spend watching tv in a studio apartment!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Not Much Fun

Day 3...I can't believe it's already been 3 days. I had a post-op appointment this morning. I walked the four blocks to the hospital with my swollen & bandaged face, probably scaring all children and small animals in my path.

My x-rays looked great, so that is the most important thing. I am still very, very swollen and don't think I will be needing Botox in my lips any time soon. I really can't feel too many sensations. I asked the resident if he was going to take the bandage off my lower face before I left the office. He started laughing and said, "Honey, I took that off 15 minutes ago!"

Mom & I watched a little of the Giants game last night. And today, I caught a little bit of the HBO documentary, "Dare to Dream," the story of the U.S. women's soccer team.

So I'm actively coping - it's hard to get comfortable, but just doing a lot of resting, icing, keeping Kiehl's balm on my lips (good stuff!). Drinking lots of good juices with lots of good enzymes - I'm hoping after 8 weeks of pineapple and carrot juices, I will be positively scintillating with glowing skin, hair, & nails!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

So Pretty!!

These are my beautiful flowers from Lauren! They were the best surprise & totally brightened up my day. They look so pretty in my apartment.

Less Than Thrilled

I got home from the hospital late last night. It was long surgery, almost 6 hours, and a tough recovery. Much more difficult than I had anticipated. But Cornell Medical is a great hospital with great nurses. I was in a recovery unit that was one step down from an ICU. The nurses were so nice & took good care of me. I am so happy to finally have all the wires and tubes out of me. My biggest complaint is not being able to talk very well yet!

I pretty much look like I was riding on the back of Ben's bike. But hey, if he is already back on the football field just about two months after his injuries, that is pretty incredible. This has to be one of the hardest surgeries to recover from because of all the facial trauma. Just taking in fluids and medications takes a lot of effort. But hopefully every day will be a little easier. My mom has been taking very good care of me & my friends have been great. And tonight, Rob will be making his big debut at Giants Stadium, so I am trying to rest up in order to catch a little of the game.

Monday, August 14, 2006

One More Day

Well after almost a year of visits to 4 oral & maxillofacial surgeons, 3 workups, 2 CT scans, and 1 bone scan, I am finally ready for surgery tomorrow afternoon. Or as ready as I can be! I will be on a liquid diet for the next 7-8 weeks, so obviously I have to bulk up on some weight to lose, right?! Last Thursday night, Brooke & I waited out the rain storm to have a delicious "focaccia tartu fata" from Mediterraneo's woodburning pizza oven, filled with fresh robiola cheese and truffle oil. Yum!

Tonight, my mom & I are going out for chopped salads & one last steak dinner. I can't wait. Last night we went grocery shopping for some supplies for the next few weeks - looks like it is going to be a lot of chicken broth, smoothies, & baby food pears. I should have registered at Fresh Direct! I'm still trying to figure out how I can survive on a diet of blended key lime cheese cake, but somehow I think the doctor is probably recommending more like protein & some nutrients for a healthy recovery!

Like Ben Roethlisberger, if all goes well, my mouth will not be wired or banded shut. I know, I know -- I'm sure the boys were all hoping it would be a permanent thing. But state of the art technology allows miniature titanium plates & screws to stabalize the bones in their new position. I'm not sure if this means I will be setting off airport metal directors for the rest of my life. I asked the resident and his reply was, "Not unless you are carrying shampoo!"

Ben looks pretty good at the Espy Awards, just one month after his motorcyle accident where he broke both his upper & lower jaw, and other facial bones. He's a lucky guy.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Save the Date!

August 15, 2006
at 10:00 in the morning
in the Greenberg Pavilion
New York Presbyeterian Hospital
on Manhattan's Upper East Side

the realigning of
the maxilla & the mandible
Cara Alyse

Recovery to follow
at the Gazda Family Summer Estate
Clinton, CT

pureed pina coladas will be served

the patient is registered at Weill-Cornell Medical Center
where she has chosen for her jaw place setting,
lovely titanium plates & flatware of stainless steel

Friday, August 11, 2006

Mrs. Antonius

Last Saturday, my friend Beth was married at the Old Orchard Inn in East Aurora, NY. It was a perfect setting for a perfect summer night, and Beth could not have been a more beautiful bride. Her dress was fantastic, although the real fashion statement was made by her ADORABLE nephew, Nolan, and his little sneakers! The wedding was so much fun, and I wish Beth & Daniel all the best!

Mr. & Mrs. Antonius

While I was home, I also got to see my too-cute little rugrat/bichon, Toby. My mom took him to the vet the other day & told me Toby is now officially considered a senior citizen! I can't believe it. He is 7 years old (when did that happen??), but he still seems like a puppy to me. He was SO excited to see me. My parents say he can come stay with me in NYC, but I'm afraid the other white fluffballs on the Upper East Side might make fun of him! He needs a haircut!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


The pineapple is the traditional symbol of hospitality, representing good cheer, graciousness, and warmth when welcoming friends & guests into one's home

Welcome to my little home. I love finding new creative outlets and have finally found a place to share my pictures, quotes, articles, and fun memories with friends & family. I was enjoying reading my friend Brooke's blog and was inspired to start up one of my own. Here are some of my favorite life moments and a glimpse into the people, places, and stories that make me pause or smile. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!