Friday, August 18, 2006

Not Much Fun

Day 3...I can't believe it's already been 3 days. I had a post-op appointment this morning. I walked the four blocks to the hospital with my swollen & bandaged face, probably scaring all children and small animals in my path.

My x-rays looked great, so that is the most important thing. I am still very, very swollen and don't think I will be needing Botox in my lips any time soon. I really can't feel too many sensations. I asked the resident if he was going to take the bandage off my lower face before I left the office. He started laughing and said, "Honey, I took that off 15 minutes ago!"

Mom & I watched a little of the Giants game last night. And today, I caught a little bit of the HBO documentary, "Dare to Dream," the story of the U.S. women's soccer team.

So I'm actively coping - it's hard to get comfortable, but just doing a lot of resting, icing, keeping Kiehl's balm on my lips (good stuff!). Drinking lots of good juices with lots of good enzymes - I'm hoping after 8 weeks of pineapple and carrot juices, I will be positively scintillating with glowing skin, hair, & nails!


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