Thursday, August 17, 2006

Less Than Thrilled

I got home from the hospital late last night. It was long surgery, almost 6 hours, and a tough recovery. Much more difficult than I had anticipated. But Cornell Medical is a great hospital with great nurses. I was in a recovery unit that was one step down from an ICU. The nurses were so nice & took good care of me. I am so happy to finally have all the wires and tubes out of me. My biggest complaint is not being able to talk very well yet!

I pretty much look like I was riding on the back of Ben's bike. But hey, if he is already back on the football field just about two months after his injuries, that is pretty incredible. This has to be one of the hardest surgeries to recover from because of all the facial trauma. Just taking in fluids and medications takes a lot of effort. But hopefully every day will be a little easier. My mom has been taking very good care of me & my friends have been great. And tonight, Rob will be making his big debut at Giants Stadium, so I am trying to rest up in order to catch a little of the game.


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