Friday, August 11, 2006

Mrs. Antonius

Last Saturday, my friend Beth was married at the Old Orchard Inn in East Aurora, NY. It was a perfect setting for a perfect summer night, and Beth could not have been a more beautiful bride. Her dress was fantastic, although the real fashion statement was made by her ADORABLE nephew, Nolan, and his little sneakers! The wedding was so much fun, and I wish Beth & Daniel all the best!

Mr. & Mrs. Antonius

While I was home, I also got to see my too-cute little rugrat/bichon, Toby. My mom took him to the vet the other day & told me Toby is now officially considered a senior citizen! I can't believe it. He is 7 years old (when did that happen??), but he still seems like a puppy to me. He was SO excited to see me. My parents say he can come stay with me in NYC, but I'm afraid the other white fluffballs on the Upper East Side might make fun of him! He needs a haircut!


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