Thursday, August 24, 2006

Seaside Living

The weather has been just beautiful here. I spent most of yesterday by the pool, floating on a raft, listening to the Sirius Satellite Radio (there's my shout out to the the official satellite radio provider and sponsor of the NFL), and reading Beach Road by James Patterson. This week of rest and recuperation has been so ideal. It is so therapeutic here.

Clinton really is an ideal New England village. It is very cute and quaint, without being at all pretentious or showy. And it is such a friendly place. Literally every person you see on the street gives you a smile as you pass and says hello. Just like in NYC. Ha!

My mom & I took a walk down to the beach last night, passing all the beautiful homes on Waterside Lane. The cold sand between my toes felt so good. The setting was so pretty in the evening, with the water illuminated by the dock lights across the harbor.

My dad is driving up today to join us for a few days. It's a long drive, but I am so happy that he is able to make it. I haven't seen him since before my surgery. It is so relaxing here and I know he will love it. I don't think any of us will want to ever leave!


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