Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hanging in There

I love these sunflowers that Beth brought over today. They are so cheerful & make me smile!

It has already been 5 days since the surgery. The days have flown by in a blur. Saturday was one of the worst days. I was still incredibly swollen. The muscles and joints in my face just ached and ached, and felt so tender and sore. No pain medication seemed to take the edge off.

Today has been better. The left side of my face is still a bit swollen, but the right side is almost down. There is a little yellow bruising around my throat, but it is fading. And after a few showers, I finally have all that adhesive tape from the hospital off my body. It is just so nice to be able to wash my face and feel clean again.

Beth stopped by with flowers for a surprise visit today. She is just back from her honeymoon in Cancun. It was so nice to see her. I thought I still looked pretty swollen, but Beth said people would pay for lips like mine. Too funny.

Tomorrow morning I go back to the doctor's office. Hopefully everything looks good and I will get the okay to leave the city for a few days. Lauren's mother has graciously invited my mom & me to spend a few days recuperating at her beach house in Connecticut, and I am really hoping to go. There are only so many hours you can spend watching tv in a studio apartment!


Blogger Brooke said...

So glad you are feeling better and that the swelling starting to subside! I'm really enjoying your blog in the meanwhile...I'd still prefer you here in the office but I'll make due :)

Rest up and feel good!! We miss you!

8:45 AM  

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