Monday, October 09, 2006

A Day of Football

A few weeks ago I volunteered to assist our Youth Football department with their NFL Flag Football Tournaments. I have helped with these at Super Bowl and it is a ton of fun. So at 7am Sunday morning, I found myself out on Long Island at Hofstra University for the Jets/NFL Flag Football Regional Tournament. It was a little early, but the weather was gorgeous. The sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky. And I definitely should have worn sunscreen.

Some of the kids are really fast! I love watching them run around the field as if they are playing in the pros. After keeping score for several of the tournament's games, I was assigned to the playoff field where the two top teams competed for advancement to the NFL FLAG National Tournament of Champions, which takes place on November 18, at Disney's Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando. It was a fun event and the perfect day to be sitting outside watching football.


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