Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Apparently September 19th is the big, international holiday, "Talk Like a Pirate Day." Yes, Joe & Andrew (aka Pirate Harvey the Bitter & Eye-Gougin' Brody Bonny) are really sitting back in their cave talking like pirates. You can get your own "Pirate Name" here.

I also discovered that there is a Talk Like a Pirate theme song. It is really good. I'm sure we will be hearing it all day! ARRRRR!!!

T'me, Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho,
It's "Talk Like A Pirate" Day!

That time in September when sea dogs remember
That grown-ups still know how ta play!

When wenches are curvy
and dogs are all scurvy
And a soft-wear patch covers your eye,
Ta hell with our jobs,
for one day we're all swabs
And buccaneers all till we die!

So hoist up the mainsails
and shut down your brain cells,
They only would get in the way,
Avast there, me hearty,
we're havin' a party,
It's "Talk Like A Pirate" Day!
Yo Ho!


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