Monday, September 18, 2006

The Cutest Fans

It was nice to be home for a few days. While I was in Buffalo, I stopped by my friend Michelle's house to finally see her two little kids. Oh my gosh, they have gotten so big & are just too cute. Michelle & I grew up next door to each other & even though she was two years older, we were always together, finding ways to amuse ourselves. We used to spend hours with the ouiji board. For some reason, Michelle's messages from the beyond were always like, "You will win a million dollars" while mine were more along the lines of, "You will break your ankle & die." We played pranks on half the neighborhood, but our favorite was painting rocks with gold paint, hiding them around the yard, and then getting rid of our little brothers for hours by telling them we had found gold & to go dig in the backyard. Now Michelle has her own kids. It was great to catch up with her & hang out with the kids for a little bit. And I am so happy to see that they are already little football fans!

How cute are we!


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