Sunday, September 17, 2006

Mrs. Timms

Last week I was back in Buffalo for Laura & Sean's wedding. On Wednesday night, the girls had some pampering at the Spa at Falling Waters which was quite relaxing. Thursday was the rehearsal at the church and rehearsal dinner at Harry's Harbour on the waterfront.

Friday was the big day. Laura was a beautiful bride & her dress was truly unique. Not what I would have ever predicted for my mountain biking, dirty duathlon racing friend, but it was gorgeous. Bag pipes played at the church and luckily, after a brief delay while the bride's car broke down on the way to the church, Laura finally made it down the aisle.

The reception was a lot of fun & it was nice to meet so many of their friends and family. We all agreed that Sean is going to have 6 daughters. We continue to keep Sean's Grandpa Joe, a retired firefighter after 38 years with the NYFD, in our prayers and wish him good health & a fast recovery.


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