Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

While I was recovering from my jaw surgery, Brooke was kind enough to make me some pretty great dinners. She also introduced me to Betty Crocker Warm Delights. The two of us are now hooked on these things. My favorite is the Molten Caramel Cake. Brooke loves the Hot Fudge Brownie. If you have not tried these yet, you do not know what you are missing! They are the easiest desserts to make. They come in a little single-serve bowl. You simply add water, stir, and microwave. (Sometimes we also add ice cream - fat free of course!) They are so good. As the web site says, "With Betty Crocker Warm Delights, you're just three minutes away from heaven!"

One of our favorite ways to spend a week day evening is making these sinful desserts and watching the latest episode of the Girls Next Door on E! This is perhaps the worst show on television. Which of course means it's awesome! Brooke records it every Sunday night & we wait to watch it together. It gives us some pretty good laughs.

Our favorite idiotic Girls Next Door!


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